With more than 280,000 entries thus far, TBF’s Tag & Release Database is the world’s largest privately owned, open-sourced billfish database in the world. Individuals can access our database, create free profiles to track their billfish catches, and submit data directly online through their desktop or mobile devices. The resources below provide an overview of the application, how to register for free, and offer some tutorial videos. If you’ve been here before, feel free to head right to the database by clicking “Login” below!
With more than 280,000 entries thus far, TBF’s Tag & Release Database is the world’s largest privately owned, open-sourced billfish database in the world. Individuals can access our database, create free profiles to track their billfish catches, and submit data directly online through their desktop or mobile devices. The resources below provide an overview of the application, how to register for free, and offer some tutorial videos. If you’ve been here before, feel free to head right to the database by clicking “Login” below!
Tag, release, and recapture information from our traditional tagging program provides insight into important biological traits like growth and migration, but also incorporates important factors like fishing effort and even socioeconomics. It takes the expertise and dedication of TBF scientists, staff, interns, and fisheries experts to interpret this data and convert it into real, tangible conservation measures.
Uploading your tag and release entries has never been easier. With our upgraded Tag & Release Database, users can input their catch data in real time. While TBF still receives mailed-in tag cards from across the globe, there are often delays between mailing and data upload. Using TBF’s online database, anglers can now report their tags and releases in real time, with uploads occurring immediately. No more shipping delays or risks of damages in transit. Start entering your tags online today!
Note: All data was transferred from previous database to this one so you won’t lose a beat!
Registering for our Tag & Release Database is easy as can be! All you need to do is head to tagbillfish.org and click “Sign Up”. You’ll then be taken to the registration page to create a completely free profile. After inputting your name (first and last), email, and password, you’ll be asked to verify your email address to confirm registration. After that, you’re all set! Your account will be created and you will be free to start inputting your billfish data right away!
If you were a past/current user and haven’t logged into the new site, you will need to reset your current login credentials. For further assistance, see the tutorial videos below, or contact us at [email protected].
Here are some video resources that can help answer any questions you may have about our Tag & Release database. For more informational videos, check out our YouTube page @FishTBF.
Click below to report any “bugs” or offer feedback on how to improve the database or the user experience.
The Tag & Release program was established in 1990 and currently has more than 280,000 tag, release, and recapture entries. Since its creation, the database has grown to become the cornerstone of TBF’s conservation and advocacy efforts. Each year, the database gains thousands of entries from our community of volunteer anglers. The success of such a database is all accredited to the thousands of captains, mates, and anglers that billfish across the globe. Without their tagging efforts, the Tag & Release Database would not be the largest, privately owned, open-sourced, billfish database in the world.
The Tag & Release program was established in 1990 and currently has more than 280,000 tag, release, and recapture entries. Since its creation, the database has grown to become the cornerstone of TBF’s conservation and advocacy efforts. Each year, the database gains thousands of entries from our community of volunteer anglers. The success of such a database is all accredited to the thousands of captains, mates, and anglers that billfish across the globe. Without their tagging efforts, the Tag & Release Database would not be the largest, privately owned, open-sourced, billfish database in the world.
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Working worldwide to advance the conservation of Billfish & associated species to improve the health of oceans & economies.
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